Tuesday, September 22, 2009


After a hot summer, the persistent rain has me looking around for Noah. Wherever he is, is precisely where I want to migrate. Strange how the rain, though often a synonym for a sad face, or mellow spirit at best, can also serve to deliver moments of refreshment. I've found myself not only enjoying it, but anxious for its return during the intermittent breaks. And I've noticed the same lift in others.

As a kid, the rain was the signal to make boats to float in the water running along the street, or wade through the ditches filled with rain (I know sounds unsanitary. It's amazing what we can live through when no one us how bad it is for us.). It was the time to break out a game of ultimate football, which resembled mud wrestling. And it was a time to lay the normal routine aside, stay home if you could, and let the world slow down. Some things you don't out grow. Anyone for a little football?

1 comment:

Sherry Martin said...

I too survived played in a lot of ditches filled with rain water as a child. Great fun! Thank God for this welcomed rain! Sherry