Friday, July 30, 2010

Rich Faith/Rich Church

Ok, so here is a question for reflection – What makes for a rich faith? Is it doing the right things? Knowing the right things? Being in the right places? Having the right associations? Is it possible "right," while serving as the sum for religious living, still fails to fill the emptiness in the soul? To put it yet another way – Can we walk the walk and talk the talk expected of Christian conduct, but be a shell of faith with no real heart?

I know, I know we look at our society much less world and see humanity growing less God-centered (as in Christ centered) and say the problem is out there with too little Christlike conduct and lifestyle. But when do we look within at those openly professing a Christian connection and ask about the depth and sincerity of our faith. I remember one of those popular bible tracts (short pieces of writing, just a few pages, in booklet form and hanging in church foyer tract racks) when I was a kid whose premise was sincerity was not enough. I get it, pursuing right understanding is very important. Agreed! But sincerity is important, and too often it is relegated to the sphere of secondary concerns. But, check the prophet Isaiah, note the demonstrations in Amos, and listen to the Christological march through 1st century geography, and sincerity finds elevation to a primary spot.

And the richness is not simply about personal faith, but also about church. What makes a church a rich place to be? Rich faith and rich church? How do you define someone with a rich faith? What does a church which is a rich place to be look like? What do you think?????

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